
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week 5: Sesame Seed

We are now 5 weeks pregnant. Baby B has grown to the size of a sesame seed!

According to Babycenter, all of the major systems are starting to develop this week. Very exciting! I am taking prenatal vitamins and calcium supplements to help the little guy along. Josh even made me peas last night to eat with dinner. They have extra folic acid, which is important for neural tube development and something I am a bit paranoid about given my family history.

I am still feeling really good. Still tired and the back is usually bugging me by the end of the day. A new symptom? Very very very sore boobies LOL. These all seem pretty typical according to what I have been reading online. No real morning sickness yet, just the occasional nausea. There is a place at the mall here that makes Elephant Ears and Funnel Cake. The place smells nasty because of the deep frying and I almost lost it when I walked past the place the other day. Note to self: Avoid that wing of the mall for the next 9 months!

I decided to switch doctors. I really didn't know anything about the practice or the doctor that I had chosen before, just kind of a random choice. Our friend Emily is having a baby in about a month and she told me which practice she was using. I looked them up and it turns out they have a brand new clinic just a few miles from our house. I called them and made an appointment, so now my first appointment is on Feb 9, just a few weeks away!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Baby B's first Harley Shirt!

So, my Dad has a Harley and is pretty involved with the Harley Owners Group and generally loves all things Harley. Including T-shirts. The man has got to have, easily, 200 of the things- usually picks one up whenever he travels to a new place, or when one of us kids travels to a new place, or whenever the sky is blue. Get it?

So, its only fitting, that Baby B's first onesie would be a Harley Davidson one! My Mom picked it up this past week, I think at the Minneapolis airport. She was dying to make a baby related HD purchase :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 4: Poppyseed

We are now 4 weeks pregnant. Our baby is the size of a poppyseed!

The baby is now an embryo and is entering into a very important development stage. Over the next 6 weeks, all of the organs will begin to develop and some will begin to function. I can't believe that this little poppyseed turns into a person!!! Being such an important time, I find myself analyzing every feeling I am having. I would be so crushed if anything happened to this baby. For now, all I can do is think positive thoughts and just do everything I can to nurture our little monkey!

So far we have only spilled the beans (or poppyseeds!) to a few family members and a few close friends. As of now, the lips are zipped until after our 1st appointment on March 5.

Symptom wise not much is going on yet. I have almost gagged a few times on my toothbrush, my back has been sore, and I have been very tired. I took 3 naps on Sunday LOL and have dozed off on the couch every night this week.

Hopefully the next week goes by quick! I have girls night tomorrow night with the girls from work and then a baby shower for our friend Emily to go to on Saturday. I have been spending lots of time doing research online and cruising the Bump and other baby websites. What the hell did expecting Mom's do before the Internet?!?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 3: We are pregnant!

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We found out that Baby B was on the way on Sunday, January 17. Our reaction was a mixture of shock and joy. I mean, we were obviously trying to make this happen but its was still kind of a shock to see those 2 lines on the home pregnancy test. The estimated due date is September 28, 2010.

I called and made an appointment with a new doctor, but they don't even want to see me until 10 weeks, so we have some waiting to do. I decided to get a new doctor because I wanted to be able to go the clinic/hospital on this side of town vs. driving to the north side of town. Will just make doctors visits and such that much easier.

For now this blog is pretty much going to be a secret except for the few people that know. We don't want to tell too many people about Baby B just yet. After the Dr. appointment in March is when we will probably make our announcements to the world.

I can't wait to document this journey with this blog!

Apparently, Baby B looks something like this right now. Isn't our little Monkey adorable?!? :)

Fetal Development - Week 3 Blastocyst