
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 5: Lentil

We are now 6 weeks pregnant, and Baby B is the size of a Lentil!

This week, the nose, mouth, and ears are all beginning to take shape. The heart started beating this week and should be beating at about 100-160 times a minute!

I have finally been struck by morning sickness. Spent almost every day this week feeling pretty miserable. I have yet to actually get sick, but have been doing a lot of yo-yo ing between feeling hungry and nauseas and then hungry and then nauseas again. Also still very tired, which Josh finds amusing. Personally, I think he is just jealous that I can fall asleep in like 10 seconds flat after laying down! Also have been feeling a bit like a two headed monster at times, which I guess is the pregnancy hormones.

We have our first doctors appointment this coming week, so looking forward to that. Never thought I would say that I was looking forward to going to the doctor, but hey, pregnancy does strange things to you!

We have been talking a lot about baby names. Hopefully will have it decided on soon, at least by the time the 20 week ultrasound rolls around. Until we know if it is a he or a she, we refer to our baby as "Monkey." It seems to fit. And YES we will be finding out the sex of the baby. I am way too much of a planner to not know. And because I suck at keeping secrets, I'm sure everybody else will know as well :)

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